1. Boran:

    • The Boran is an indigenous cattle breed native to Kenya and other East African countries.
    • Known for its adaptability to harsh environmental conditions, heat tolerance, disease resistance, and ability to thrive on low-quality forage.
    • Boran cattle are often used in crossbreeding programs to improve the hardiness and resilience of commercial beef herds.
  2. Sahiwal:

    • Originally from Pakistan and India, the Sahiwal breed has been introduced to Kenya and other African countries for its heat tolerance and milk production potential.
    • Sahiwal cattle are well-adapted to tropical climates, with good resistance to diseases like tick-borne diseases.
    • While primarily known for their dairy traits, Sahiwal cattle are also valued for beef production due to their excellent feed conversion efficiency and meat quality.
  3. Zebu (Indicine):

    • Zebu cattle, also known as Indicine or humped cattle, are a group of cattle breeds originating from South Asia and Africa.
    • In Kenya, Zebu breeds like the Boran and the Sahiwal are commonly kept for beef production.
    • Zebu cattle exhibit heat tolerance, resistance to parasites, and adaptation to arid and semi-arid environments, making them well-suited to Kenyan conditions.
  4. Ankole-Watusi:

    • The Ankole-Watusi is a large cattle breed native to East Africa, characterized by its distinctive long, curved horns.
    • While primarily kept for their milk, the Ankole-Watusi cattle are also raised for beef production.
    • They are well-adapted to grazing in semi-arid environments and are valued for their meat quality and drought resistance.
  5. Hereford:

    • Hereford cattle are a British beef breed known for their docile temperament, good foraging ability, and efficient feed conversion.
    • They have been introduced to Kenya and other countries for crossbreeding with indigenous cattle to improve beef quality and growth rates.
    • Hereford crosses are popular among Kenyan beef farmers seeking to enhance the performance of their herds.
  6. Simmental:

    • Simmental cattle are a dual-purpose breed originating from Switzerland, known for their fast growth rates, good conformation, and high meat yields.
    • They have been introduced to Kenya and other African countries for crossbreeding to improve beef production efficiency and carcass quality.
    • Simmental crosses are valued for their hybrid vigor and suitability for both beef and dairy production systems.